In memory of someone special
In memory of someone special, I'd like to take the opportunity to make a real difference to individuals and families who are impacted by cancer.
Cancer Council WA is a community-funded organisation and rely on our support to fund ground-breaking research and support programs and services. All the money raised will directly support West Australians impacted by cancer and every dollar will make a huge difference. Together we can support Cancer Council WA as they continue to work towards a cancer free future.
Thank you for your support towards Crawford Lodge, a facility for country people requiring treatment in the City.
My Achievements

Updated Profile
Thank you to my Sponsors

Jude Williams

Donna & Bryan Stevens
In memory of Dear Lindsay

Talma Eva
In loving memory of Lindsay.

Ian & Di Eva
In loving memory of Lindsay. Wonderful Brother, Brother in-law and Uncle. So sadly missed.

Nicole Eva
In loving memory of Dad

Lynne & Richie Bassett
In memory of our Cousin

Steph & Tim Stevenson
In memory of Uncle Lindsay.

Janet Fleming
Jan this is a wonderful memorial for Lindsay. We've all been touched by cancer's invisible power.

Fiona Berti
In memory of Lindsay Eva & my dear friend Melissa Murdoch.

Sue & Des Pike & Family
In memory of my eldest sister's husband. We've shared so many family and local events together. Lindsay will be sadly missed.

Fred & Kaye Gillham

Lynette Pech
in loving memory a, great farmer ,family man and community person.

Terry & Darralyn Page

Phillip, Robyn, Ellie, Sui, Emily And Adrian
A life well lived! A very special fellow!

Sylvia Sawford

Jan Eva
We shared 55 years of marriage. Since January 2023 we've appreciated the services provided by Crawford Lodge, a facility instigated by the late Crawford family of Milroy Farm Brookton. The support provided for country people makes a huge difference when on this cancer journey you find yourself on, either as a Care Giver or Patient.

Dorothy Yeoman

Karel Willmott
You were a great neighbour Lindsay

Albert Willmott
God bless Lindsay
In loving memory of a very special brother,Lindsay