Christmas Appeal

For many, Christmas is a time of celebration, and having loved ones around you is so important. For our Lodge guests, it’s an extra challenging time to be away from home.

Each Christmas, we have approximately 75 to 85 patients and their carers stay at our Lodges. As you can imagine, this can be a difficult time for our guests to spend on their own.

For those staying at the Lodges during the holiday season, we organise an annual Christmas dinner with music and some light entertainment.

For our Lodge guests and their families, having somewhere where they can come and feel supported and cared for during treatment takes a massive weight off their shoulders.


Your generosity goes a long way in providing hope for country cancer patients, during the holiday season.

How your donations help

Please note our Christmas Appeal has now ended. However, donations to Cancer Council WA are still able to be made, with all donations over $2 also tax deductible. Thank you for your support.

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