In Memory

Donating In Memory for a loved one, friend or colleague to Cancer Council WA or requesting donations in lieu of flowers can be a meaningful way to remember someone.

 Donate In Memory

Create a personalised in memory page

Add a photo and story in memory

Invite others to donate & leave a message

Are you considering a donation to Cancer Council WA in lieu of flowers?

Donating In Memory for a loved one, friend or colleague to Cancer Council WA or requesting donations in lieu of flowers can be a meaningful way to remember someone.

By donating to Cancer Council WA, you’re giving the gift of hope by funding local support, research and prevention programs for West Australians affected by cancer.

This is a meaningful way of supporting the many West Australians impacted by cancer and we thank you for your consideration.

Donations in memory may be collected in three different ways:

  1. By calling 9212 4333, or using the donate In Memory link above.
  2. At the funeral service through donation envelopes. To arrange the collection of these, please call 9212 4333 or email
  3. Online via a personalised tribute page - which allows loved ones to leave a message or tribute along with their donation. To create or search for a tribute page, visit the link below. 

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ABN 15 190 821 561 | Email | Phone 9212 4333 | Privacy Policy